There are exceptions, but it is often good for a contract to include a deadline on which those goods or services have to be rendered. A deadline or defined schedule should also be used in the case of a contract that purchases a recurring service or a delivery of goods, such as when a company buys parts and materials on a weekly basis from a certain supplier.
This is also true in real estate contracts. There will be a deadline by which the purchase has to be fulfilled and the property closing has to take place. Not only is this deadline set up so that the buyers and sellers can know exactly when to expect the property to change hands, but it ensures that closing will occur at some point and the whole process won’t drag on until it isn’t financially viable for one of the parties.
Why deadlines are important
Having a clear deadline is important if you run into a dispute over the fulfillment of that contract. For instance, maybe a shipment of materials was late and you weren’t able to fill some orders. You want to sue the supplier, claiming that they should have had the materials to you sooner. If the contract doesn’t specify when those materials have to be delivered, they can simply claim that they were doing it as quickly as they could and that you shouldn’t have taken on orders that you couldn’t fill. But, if they had a specific date and you can show that they obviously missed it, this makes your case a lot stronger.
Anytime contract disputes arise, things can get complicated, so it’s very important to understand all the necessary legal steps.