Experienced Representation For Local and Conflicts Counsel
Our firm provides local representation for attorneys and firms located out of Collin county and out of state. We will work as either exclusive litigation counsel or assist as local co-counsel for your clients. In addition, the firm provides local representation for attorneys and firms who are precluded from representing a client because of conflicts of interest. In such situations, our engagements are limited to representation in the conflicted case and all other matters are sent back to regular counsel.
Israel Suster has been active in the Collin County bar for almost 20 years. He has served on the Board of the Plano Bar Association for 10 years and served in officer capacities, including as President. He has been an active member of the Collin County Bar Association and has served on various committees including as a judicial liaison between the Bar and the judges. He presently serves as a faculty member on the Collin County Trial Academy and was appointed by the Collin County District Judges to serve on the Local Rules committee for evaluating changes to the Local Rules for practicing in Collin County. Israel is a fellow of the Collin County Bench Bar and has been a sponsor, participant and lecturer to attorneys and judges at yearly bar events for almost 2 decades. Israel and other attorneys in the firm have regularly practiced before all of the judges hearing civil cases in Collin County and the firm has been an active sponsor of various bar related judicial events as well as political events in the County for a number of years.