Knowledgeable Attorneys For Collection Litigation
The Suster Law Group, PLLC has years of experience in the collection, prosecution and defense of debt claims and in the enforcement and collection of most types of monetary or property judgments rendered in the civil and family courts. Such representation includes:
- Contract claims between businesses
- Contract and debt claims between business and individuals
- Contract and debt claims between individuals
- Collection and enforcement of civil court judgments, including domestication of foreign judgments and federal court judgments to be collected in the State of Texas
- Collection and enforcement of money and property judgments in the State of Texas as rendered in family Courts, including divorce judgments and orders entered for attorneys’ fees (as many family and divorce attorneys may not handle and we can work with or without such attorneys)
- Representation of attorneys and law firms in collection matters as well as assistance to attorneys and firms helping their clients handle or collect judgments, assist in drafting judgments, obtain offsetting judgments on dual judgment cases (typically family cases) or to otherwise advise or assist in handling or defending turnover orders, garnishments or civil contempt matters in civil courts
Our office can handle abstracts of judgments and can search to track and locate businesses and individuals wherever they may be as well as to search for assets. In addition, we prosecute and defend turnover proceedings as regulated by statute and case law as well as bank garnishments.
Learn More About How Our Litigators Can Help
You can call our office now at 972-380-0130 or send us an email to schedule your first meeting at our office.